Oil and Gas field development support as well as Oil and Gas assets are understandably variable. With the constantly changing nature of the gas and oil industry, knowing just exactly how much a prospect is worth is absolutely imperative to your activities. As the very nature of the worth of finds is so very changeable at such a constant rate, the data which determines the worth of finds in itself is rather valuable.
Reserves calculations for annual corporate reports of course is very vaunted, as is reserve based lending. Furthermore, asset modelling for investment decisions is absolutely imperative and simply can’t be formed without a good amount of data. Fair market valuation studies (which include bond issues) for corporate activities are also very important as is full value study for defence processes.
Needless to say, there are a number of reasons why the accurate (not approximate) worth of your assets would suddenly become imperative, and in order to get the best calculation you’ll want to work with a firm which both have experience in oil and gas commercial modelling – but here’s the kicker – also has experience in PSC and tax and royalty systems.
Just choosing a specialist which understands about the ins and outs of oil and gas commercial modelling isn’t quite enough – not when you don’t also want to hire a legal representative as well. Thankfully, there’s a firm which is based within London, UK which has experience in oil and gas commercial modelling, the legal side of such, and as the cherry on the cake, have a proven record with most fiscal systems in the world.
ERC Equipoise have built Excel based models in most of the areas of the world, and furthermore have extensive experience with court case and arbitration work. For instance, their models have been placed under the highest scrutiny and have passed a series of stress tests.
Furthermore, ERC Equipoise aren’t first timers to any of this. They have built full and complete corporate valuations for a number of clients over their long history, which has had varying focuses. Such have included the initial question of where within vast client portfolios, value lies. They can use this data to expand upon it, answering more questions such as what corporate cash flow is expected to be in the future, as well as prevent loss with using this data to then suggest where additional expenditures will lead to increased reserve bases and value.
With Oil and Gas Expert Witness projects such as Fair Market Valuations for the High Court of Justice within the United Kingdom as well as the Arbitration Act of New Zealand, ERC Equipoise are the ones you want to go to should you require these very bespoke services for your commercial activities and your decisions.
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