Industry leading oil and gas evaluation firm, ERC Equipoise, are teaching two PESGB training courses in October 2017. This course is with Dr. Chris Edwards, the head of the company’s sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy competency division, and looks to be a treat indeed.
The first course commences at The PESGB, and is open for members only. If you’re a member of this prestigious society, you can’t afford to miss this course. Spanning over two days, the course is essential via its introduction of the principles, concepts and practical methods of sequence stratigraphy as a fundamental component of the petroleum exploration workflow.
For those seeking to gain a higher understanding of sequence stratigraphy – from its core as an informal chronostratigraphic method which provides means of subdividing stratigraphic record, to the finer points of identification and prediction of facies, to even the documentation of time-transgressive natures of lithostratigraphic units, the course provides a hands-on approach to sequence stratigraphy through lectures and exercises which use live outcrop, core, well log and seismic data to predict petroleum system elements with absolute certainty.
Furthermore, you will complete the main objectives: Forming basic concepts and terminology of sequence stratigraphy, developing skill with the building blocks of dispositional sequences, recognizing the criteria required for proper identification of depositional sequences, as well as developing the recognition of criteria for the above, as well as identifying their components in outcrops, cores, well logs and seismic data. As the icing on the cake, so to speak, you will also apply effective sequence stratigraphy in marine, non marine and submarine depositional settings as you predict petroleum system element.
The first part of these courses, detailed above, will commence from the 9th to the 10th of October, 2017. This course will take place at the PESGB training centre, in Croydon, London.
Furthermore, pricing for this essential course is £550 – with a discount for PESGB members at £500. This Registration fee includes all that is needed, including lunch, refreshments, and a copy of the SEPM book as standard.
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