Anasys Instruments Acquired by Bruker Nano Corporation

An important acquisition in the nanoscience community has been completed, and it appears that Santa Barbara-based Anasys Instruments who are credited with the invention of the game changing Anasys Mirage have been acquired by the Bruker Corporation.

Bruker is a corporation which has roots in scientific instruments as well as analytical and diagnostic solutions, as well as a wealth of clients from the cell biology, preclinical imaging, clinical genomics, microbiology, as well as molecular pathway research.

It is speculated that Anasys Instruments, the pioneers of nanoscale infrared spectroscopy’s latest innovation, the NanoIR, as well as the discovery of a new field of surface science, submicron infrared spectroscopy utilised in the Anasys Mirage, has led to this acquisition. The Anasys Mirage in particular is the only instrument in existence that achieves true submicron spatial resolution, without the limitation of ATR thanks to the utilisation of the past decade of Anasys research into breaching the submicron scale.

The spatial resolution improvements that the Anasys Mirage brings to the table lead to an improvement of over 20 times the resolution of anything else out there. In an industry long plagued with limitations – they are overcome by the Anasys Mirage in a wealth of different ways. From the aforementioned fact that the Anasys Mirage breaks the diffraction limit to the fact that its unique method of testing allows for thicker samples (which opens up this technique for a great variety of sectors which previously could not benefit from the advantages the Anasys Mirage offers)

This sentiment seems to be matched by Bruker Nano Corporations themselves, at least if the statement by Dr Mark R. Munch, President of the Bruker Nano Group is to be believed. He stated that: “We are very excited to add this strategic, high-growth area to our portfolio of nanoscale microscopy and spectroscopy measurement products. There are tremendous application and technology synergies that will benefit our customers."

We’re sure that this partnership will allow Anasys’ products to reach an even greater global audience, and the surface science community will reap the benefits of the Anasys Mirage as result.
