What's the Point of Two-Way Radios?

Most business owners are under the impression that two-way radios are only used by taxi drivers, delivery services, police officers, and other professionals who have to constantly communicate with each other. But this couldn’t be further from the truth! Two-way radios come in all shapes and sizes, some more sophisticated than others, but they can be incredibly useful to almost any type of business owner.

1) How Does a Two-Way Radio Work?

If you've ever wondered how a two-way radio works, it's actually pretty simple. There are two types: analog and digital. Analog devices use frequency modulation (FM) to communicate; your cell phone operates on an analog network. Digital radios, on the other hand, transmit data with special frequencies similar to those used by Wi-Fi routers and cell phones; they're harder to jam and can be less prone to interference.

2) Why Do I Need Two-Way Radios?

If you’re running a large company with several locations and several people on your team, it can be hard to communicate with everyone. Businesses are moving faster than ever, and if you want to make sure everything is working smoothly, two-way radios are your best bet. But what are they good for? Here’s how they can help your business!

Benefits of Using Two-Way Radios

For many businesses, two-way radios make a lot of sense. If you don’t want to pay for expensive cell phone plans and office phones and don’t want all your employees getting distracted by their phones, two-way radios might be an attractive alternative. They can also come in handy during natural disasters when cell service may go down. Like most businesses, hospitals use them to keep track of doctors and nurses that need to get important messages or calls from patients or family members. Construction companies often use two-way radios on job sites; it’s safer than having workers put their tools down and check their phones mid-task if they need instructions or help from a supervisor.

3) Who Can Benefit From Two-Way Radios?

Everyone from construction workers to teachers can benefit from using two-way radios. With a wide range of two-way radio choices, you’re sure to find a style that works for your business and your staff members. Before you purchase your units, it’s important to identify who is going to use them and why they need them. This will ensure that you get everything you need out of these devices and avoid wasting money on unnecessary extras.

Where can I buy two-way radios?

Businesses typically purchase two-way radios from a dealer. In some cases, you might be able to buy them through your local hardware store or major electronics retailer. However, it’s best to work with a two-way radio expert when buying these devices because they have experience supplying devices that are easy to use and reliable. You can even find dealers that specialise in selling radios to commercial businesses online. 
