Why We Need Nitrogen Testing

Even the tightest pressurised systems will inevitably come to experience leaks at some stage. Regular changes in pressure in hose assemblies cause micro leaks that aren’t visible to the eye. With this, dirt and residue can settle in tiny tears, making the hose appear perfectly good to use. The reality is that these leaks can seriously impact the performance of your units, reducing productivity and the overall quality of your product. Nitrogen testing is an established method of identifying leaks that would we wouldn’t normally be able to find without.

Nitrogen is most commonly used as a pressure testing gas in identifying leaks and ensuring that the hose assembly is completely sealed. This process involves setting up the hose assembly to the test rig – using safety values on the other end of the hose. Nitrogen is then released into the hose at the desired pressure after it has been submerged into a bath. The pressure will be carefully monitored throughout – also checking the entire length off the hose for air bubbles that reveal leaks.

Perhaps you require helium testing instead? Helium is particularly helpful in identifying leaks due to its nature.  Not is it only a very safe gas, its small molecular structure is able to penetrate the tiny holes, other testing liquids cannot reach. Different levels of helium should be available, depending on your requirements in a clean and controlled environment.

A good testing provider will provide a report for each hose and label it accordingly for the business. Usually, specialist industrial testers will be able to test with other required gases. Ask your industrial servicing specialist how they can help.
